Announcements- Wednesday is HumpDay, so come and break up your work week with some really fun people at our HumpDay Coffee this Wednesday 6-8pm!
Louisville Munch
The Louisville munches have been running continuously since October
of 1997. We meet on the first Saturday of every month, from 7pm
to 10pm. We also gather on the fourth Sunday of every month, from
6pm to 8pm. Munches are social gatherings for those interested in
BDSM. They are not play parties or singles clubs. There is no formal membership, and the only
cost to attend is the cost of your own meal and the tip. They offer
an opportunity to find others in the community who share your interests.
Those who attend are male, female, dominant, submissive, switch, novice, experienced, single, partnered, married, straight, gay, bisexual, transgender, queer, and everything in between.
Munch Information
If you're new to the Louisville Munch, you might be interested in attending one of our Newcomer's Meetings on the second Wednesday or fourth Sunday of every month.
For all Louisville Munch questions and location information for our gatherings, contact:
Mr. Michael (502) 694-BDSM
or |
Labels: A Disposition, or State of Being? - An investigation into how and why we use different labels and catgories in our BDSM community, and how it affects our language and communication. By Mr. Michael Evolution in Our Community - An article that describes some perceived changes in our community and the way we interact from 2000-2010 By Mr. Michael SSC and RACK - Some of the arguments and considerations regarding our community's debate about these two credos. By Mr. Michael What is the Louisville Munch? - A description of the history and mission of Louisville's oldest BDSM gathering. By Mr. Michael What One Looks for in a Submissive - Insights into traits that Dominants often look for in submissives. By Ms. Constance |
In the News
Nov 11th 2015: Ask lunaKM - Bimbofication and "Feeling Slutty" - From simply painting my nails, to wearing high-heels and dresses, to tanning and even breast augmentation... it's all new and nothing like who I have been in my 28 years of life. Oct 22nd 2015: Safe, Sane and Consensual Sex - SSC - When cruising grinder, or just looking for a sexy date at the bar, how do you know if you're approaching it safe, sane and consensually? Oct 22nd 2015: The Truth About BDSM - As an acronym that stands for Bondage and Discipline, Dominance and Submission, and Sadism and Masochism, here are its most common myths, debunked. Oct 22nd 2015: Keep Your Voice: Your Rights as a Submissive - With franchises like Fifty Shades of Grey having integrated themselves almost completely in the mainstream, I have had the combined frustration and horror of my role as a submissive and my role as a teacher nearly clashing more than once. Oct 21st 2015: Genital Clamps: The Penis and Testicles Edition - Whether used to provide a gentle tug to enhance sexual pleasure, or to create sadistic sexual pain, genital clamps can feel amazing on the penis and testicles. |
Wednesday, February 12th 5:00 pm - HumpDay CoffeeFriday, February 21st 8:00 pm - Friday SloshWednesday, February 26th 5:00 pm - HumpDay CoffeeSaturday, March 1st 7:00 pm - Saturday Louisville MunchWednesday, March 12th 5:00 pm - HumpDay CoffeeFriday, March 21st 8:00 pm - Friday SloshWednesday, March 26th 5:00 pm - HumpDay CoffeeSaturday, April 5th 7:00 pm - Saturday Louisville MunchWednesday, April 9th 5:00 pm - HumpDay CoffeeFriday, April 18th 8:00 pm - Friday SloshWednesday, April 23rd 5:00 pm - HumpDay CoffeeSaturday, May 3rd 7:00 pm - Saturday Louisville MunchWednesday, May 14th 5:00 pm - HumpDay CoffeeFriday, May 16th 8:00 pm - Friday SloshWednesday, May 28th 5:00 pm - HumpDay CoffeeSaturday, June 7th 7:00 pm - Saturday Louisville MunchWednesday, June 11th 5:00 pm - HumpDay Coffee |