
Munch Buddy Volunteer

Munch Buddies are people within our BDSM community that are willing to step up and take some time to help and welcome someone new into our community. This is not a mentorship program or any kind of matchmaking service. Munch Buddy Volunteers will be matched with new community members who are requesting help based on like characteristics (slaves with slaves, Dominants with Dominants, etc.).

As a Munch Buddy, you are volunteering to be "first contact" for someone requesting a Munch Buddy. You will be expected to maintain prompt email contact, answer questions relating to BDSM and our community, and accompany your assigned Buddy to their first Louisville Munch.

Please fill out the form accurately, and thanks for taking some of your time to volunteer to help new people!

Your Name:
(Preferred scene name or identity)
Your Email Address:
Telephone Contact OK? :


Your Biological Gender:
(Gender you were born with)
Your Gender Identity:
(Gender you identify as now )
Your Gender Preference:
(The gender you prefer your mates or partners to be)
Power Orientation:
(Pick the one that describes you best )

Below are a list of interests to choose from. Please check any boxes below that describe your main interests or areas of special expertise.

D/s S/m
Leather Poly


Gor Pony/Puppy Furry
Crossdressing Spanking Taken in Hand
Spiritual Swinging